But given the need to cut emissions outright, in order to have a good chance of limiting the global average temperature rise to below 2C it is wholly inadequate. 但是,考虑到有必要彻底减排、如此才有机会将全球平均气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以下,这一成就还远远不够。
By limiting the maximum temperature, losses will be minimized and the essence of coffee retained. 通过限制的最高温度,损失会被最小化,咖啡的精华会被保留。
The last part is about the investigation on the state of asymmetry nuclear matter at finite temperature constrained from limiting temperature. 第三部分是利用极限温度对有限温度下不对称核物质核态方程进行约束的研究。
The limiting factor in valve selection is the lowest temperature limit of the packing or seat. 阀门选型的限制因素是密封填料或阀座的最低温度限制。
This last advance permitted a very close approach to the limiting temperature of absolute zero. 最后的这步使温度能非常接近极限温度,即绝对零度。互联网成功的,用接近瞬间的速度传送着信息。
The prediction of the limiting temperature and limiting pressure in oxygen bomb in the process of combustion and application of the synthesis of microsphere oxide 氧弹燃烧过程中极限温度和极限压力的预测及在合成微球氧化物中的应用
Additionally, limiting the maximum environment temperature, MET, is also important. 另外,限制最高环境温度,MET,也是很重要的。
The accord focused on three key issues: greenhouse gas emissions cuts, from developed and developing countries; a global target on limiting temperature rises; and financial help from rich to poor countries. 协议集中在三个关键问题上:发达国家与发展中国家的温室气体减排;限制气温上升的全球目标;以及富国对穷国的资金援助。
Lowing peak demand by limiting air conditioner outlet temperature 限制空调出风温度的削峰实效分析
The analysis on the relativity between average EVI values within winter wheat growing period and average temperature, rainfall, hours of sunshine shows that temperature and rainfall are the main limiting factors, among them temperature plays the leading role. 冬小麦生育期内EVI均值与平均温度、降水量、日照时数相关性分析结果显示,温度和降水是冬小麦生长的主要限制因子,其中温度起主导作用。
The measuring results have shown that the varistors developed have many advantages of fast responding, low limiting voltage, good temperature behaviour and great flux density. 应用试验结果证实,所研制的电阻器具有响应速度快,限制电压低,温度特性好,通流能力大等优点。
At the same time, the depth of reactant gas infiltrating carbon cloth is just one and/ or several layers during depositing process, which is valid to break through the bottle-net effect limiting of depositing temperature, and raise deposition rate. 在沉积过程中反应物气体渗入的深度仅为一层(或几层)C布,突破了一般CVI法中瓶颈效应对沉积温度的制约,使沉积速度显著提高。
In this paper, ⅰ-ⅴ characteristic, limiting voltage, dynamic impedance and the temperature coefficient of current of the cascade JFET device are discussed. 本文讨论了串级JFET恒流器件的伏安特性、起始电压、动态阻抗以及电流温度系数。
The experiment in different areas and different times in Luonan showed that: the major factors of limiting the walnut budding take included temperature grafting rate and releasing water before grafting retaining compound leaves and grafting rate; 在洛南不同区域、不同时期的试验结果表明,限制核桃芽接成活率的主要制约因子包括气温(嫁接期)、接前放水、复叶保留和嫁接速度;
With calculating the different parameters of the greenhouse, generating the random curves imitating the natural environment by limiting the maximum and the minimum of the ambient temperature and the solar radiation intensity, determining the suitable quantification and proportion factors, a simulating environment is set up. 根据温室环境计算出各参数值,采用限定上下限的方法随机产生室外温度和太阳辐射模拟自然气候情况,选取合适的量化因子和比例因子,对温室温度的模糊控制系统进行计算机仿真。
This paper gives the suggestions for clauses on thermal limiting output, accuracy class, temperature rise of electromagnetic unit, short circuit withstand capability and ferro-resonance in the standard of GB/ T4703. 提出对GB/T4703标准中热极限输出、准确度、电磁单元温升、承受短路能力和铁磁谐振条文的修改意见。
The limiting current protection and temperature protection of MOSFET and linear power amplifier is the emphasis of discussion. 深入探讨了MOSFET管和线性功率放大器的限流保护和温度保护电路。
Changing the thickness of pad, that can be solve the contradiction of requiring high temperature for SMA coupler and limiting low temperature for seamless steel tube. 改变环氧胶衬垫的厚度,能较好地解决形状记忆合金管接头加热回复所需温度较高与被连接管内壁限制温度较低之间的矛盾。
This paper introduced a new current limiting element PTC that is a positive temperature coefficient resistivity material. Combining with conventional circuit breaker, PTC can convert most of the interruption energy into thermal energy and greatly raises the breaking capacity of the circuit breakers. 本文介绍一种新型的PTC限流元件,它与传统断路器组合后,能吸收大部分的分断能量,从而大大提高断路器的分断能力。
Moreover, the limiting temperature profiles of both no viscosity dissipation model and temperature-dependent power-law model were influenced by the wall boundary, but not by the inlet conditions of the polymer melt. 并且,无论是无黏性耗散模型,还是黏性耗散模型,其极限温度与壁面温度有很大的关系,但与入口温度无关。
Prediction of the Limiting Temperature and Limiting Pressure in Oxygen Bomb in the Process of Determination of Combustion Heat 燃烧热测定过程中氧弹内极限温度和极限压力的预测
The factor limiting the Pn of oriental oak in early growing season was temperature. 生长初期,温度是限制净光合速率的主要因子,在生长盛期和末期,光强和胞间CO2浓度对净光合速率有主导作用。
The Relationship of limiting Conversion to temperature of homopolymerization and copolymerization for MMA, St and MMA/ St MMA、St及MMA/St聚合温度和极限转化率的关系
Limiting Temperature and Intrinsic Temperature of Si Rectifying Diode 硅二极管的极限结温与本征温度
A method of calculating the occurrence date and duration of limiting temperature in the mountainous region 山区界限温度出现日期和持续日数的推算方法
Compared with traditional all steel ball bearings, ceramic ball bearings have advantages of higher limiting operation speed, higher limiting temperature, lower requirement of lubrication, longer fatigue life and more adaptive of operation condition. 陶瓷球轴承比传统钢球轴承具有更高极限转速、更高工作温度、较低润滑要求、更长疲劳寿命和更复杂运行工况适应性等。
Our goal is to maximize the capacity of secondary network on the condition of limiting the interference to primary network below the threshold of interference temperature. 我们的目标是在感知网络对主网络的干扰小于干扰温度门限的前提下,最大化感知网络的容量。
In order to ensure the accuracy of test results, the system uses AD μ C7026 to do various compensation algorithms, including limiting filtering, temperature compensation and nonlinear correction. And also it can use gas concentrations to judge the respiratory rate. 为保证检测结果的准确性,本系统采用ADμC7026进行各种补偿算法,包括限幅滤波、温度补偿以及非线性校正,同时利用气体浓度来进行呼吸率判定。
Therefore, high temperature has become a limiting factor for cabbage production, the high~ temperature damage urgent to be address. 因此,高温已成为甘蓝生产的限制因子,生产上迫切需要解决高温危害的问题。